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Nutraflora Capsules

Nutraflora Capsules

Nutraflora contains a unique fast acting formula including a special strain of a natural probiotic bacteria (Enterococcus faecium) together with a prebiotic, natural antioxidants and Vitamin B12 to help maintain healthy gut function, general wellbeing, support the immune system and aid recovery. 
  • Aids long-term gut health
  • Supports a healthy immune response
  • High strength probiotic to aid recovery
  • Quickly increases the number of friendly bacteria
  • Fast acting
  • Binds toxins and firms stools
  • Boosts appetite & energy levels
  • For dogs & cats
  • 48 Sprinkle Capsules 

nutraflora probiotic capsules
  • Nutraflora capsules

    Nutraflora capsules

  • whats in Nutraflora?

    whats in Nutraflora?

  • nutraflora - how to use

    nutraflora - how to use

Nutraflora – Probiotics for Pets
High strength probiotic for everyday gut health & immunity
Aids recovery & supports the immune system
Maintaining optimum gut health is essential for the immune system. Nutraflora’s unique formula aids GALT immunity and contributes to the normal function of the immune system.
Unique strain of probiotic 
The special probiotic strain within Nutraflora has been uniquely developed to pass safely through the stomach and survive stomach acidity, so it is exclusively activated in the lower gut. It then quickly multiplies to aid the microflora balance, support gut health and aid recovery.
Supports healthy gut function
The administration of live friendly bacteria multiplies quickly in the small intestine where it aids the normal balance of gut flora with competitive exclusion of pathogens.
Aids pets with lethargy & fatigue
Nutraflora is especially important during convalescence as it uniquely contains high levels of Vitamin B12 that boost moral, energy levels and contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
Highest quality natural ingredients
Nutraflora only contains the highest quality natural ingredients. All raw materials are both ethical and sustainable.
Guaranteed label claim
Nutraflora is manufactured to pharmaceutical grade standards and tested for the purity of ingredients at the raw material stage and the final completed product stage to guarantee the stated label claim and product quality.
Recommended by Vets across the UK & Ireland Nutraflora is recommended by thousands of vets throughout the UK & Ireland
Nutraflora contains natural probiotic Bacteria (Enterococcus faecium) with Prebiotics, Natural Antioxidants and Vitamin B12 to stabilise the gut flora, aid recovery and support convalescence.
Probiotic (Enterococcus faecium) – Nutraflora contains the only probiotic strain to gain EC licence approval for repopulating the gut’s natural microflora in dogs and cats, thus supporting the natural balance of intestinal flora. Research has shown that Enterococcus faecium aids faecal consistency and is useful to aid recovery.
Vitamin B12 – Oral supplementation of Vitamin B12 can help reduce fatigue and tiredness, red blood cell formation and normal energy-yielding metabolism. This is especially helpful during recovery Vitamin B12 supplementation is required more in some breeds of dogs, notably Chinese Shar Peis, Giant Schnauzers, Border Collies and Beagles.
Prebiotic (FOS) – Prebiotics act as a food source for the body’s own healthy bacteria, Nutraflora is able to aid the growth of beneficial bacteria, particularly Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus species. The FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) in Nutraflora has been shown to work in synergy with Enterococcus faecium for aiding healthy gut flora and normal gut balance.
Antioxidant (Carotenoids) – Nutraflora contains powerful carotenoid antioxidants to help the gut, contribute to the body’s defenses and aid recovery. This helps to maintain a healthy immune system which is crucial during recovery.
Composition (Feed materials/additives):
Enterococcus faecium DSM 10663 NCIMB 10415 (4b1707) 2.2 x 109cfu, Fructo-oligos accharides (FOS) 110mg, Carotenoids 0.5mg, Vitamin B12 0.25mg and Yeast Extract
Administration Rate 

TypeBody weight (kgs)Caps per day
S/B dog0-9.991
M/B dog10-24.992
L/B dog25-49.993
L/B dog50+4
*This amount to be given 1 every alternate day
Storage: Do not store below 5ºc or above 25ºc.
Keep out of direct sunlight.
For Batch No. and expiry date see foil pack within.

© Graham Hines MRCVS
Graham Hines MRCVS
Dee View Road
Connah's Quay
Flintshire CH5 4AY
+44 (0)7903268439