Herbal and Homeopathic Vet in North Wales & NW England
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Veterinary Homeopathy

An Introduction to Homeopathy in Pets

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that bases its therapeutics on the principle of ‘let like be cured by like’ . It has a long history since the great Samuel Hahemann early in the 19th century made his discoveries.

I trained for 3 years with the Homeopathic Physicians Teaching Group near Oxford some years ago which was my first introduction to complementary medicine. it changed my view of life and medicine for ever. While not following all the methods believes it underpins all of my work.

I will often combine homeopathy with herbs or acupuncture and conventional medicines and used to combine it with surgery but do not offer this now

What sort of conditions is this system of medicine suitable for?

Acute conditions - First Aid

A wide variety of aliments such as coughs, injuries, burns
See more details

Always keep a first aid kit of remedies to hand and learn which to use for example the one from
Helios Homeopathy which has useful treatment suggestions.
If your chosen remedies do not rapidly work then consult your veterinary surgeon.

Chronic Conditions

Chronic means long standing, recurring, sometimes incurable conditions
Homeopathy is particularly useful in conditions where conventional medicines may have undesirable side effects.  It is gentle enough to use in the very young, or in those debilitated by age or chronic disease.  It can help problems that may be difficult to treat with conventional medicine, such as recurring or chronic illnesses.  It allows you to work with the body for deeper healing.

For these sort of conditions you need to seek the help of a homeopathic veterinarian you can find a list on the
BAHVS website if you are in the UK of course elsewhere the IAVH website the international version

Examples are
  • Anxiety, Fear and other behavioural problems
  • Cancer complementary to other modalities such as surgery
  • Epilepsy
  • Skin conditions

Unsuitable Conditions
Of course there are many conditions in which homeopathy is not appropriate - Broken bones for example but there are not many ailments in which it cannot at least help and support conventional medicine. This is Integrated or Complementary Medicine.

The Consultation

If you book a consultation with a Homeopathic Vet such as myself this is the sort of thing you might expect but we all very in the technique which suit us
Read More The herbal consult is a similar length so expect an hour or so.

The UK legal position
Under the terms of the Act, it is illegal for anyone other than a RCVS-registered Veterinary Surgeon to prescribe homeopathy for animals or to diagnose or give advice based upon a diagnosis. This includes but is not limited to homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine and aromatherapy.
This law applies, even if no charge is made for the service
but does not apply to owners who treat their own animals. 

Exceptions are made for those supplying manipulative therapies (e.g. massage, chiropractic, osteopathy, physiotherapy), working under veterinary supervision, so long as no prescription is supplied or offered.

Why does this law exist?
To protect animals from unsuitable treatments. A veterinarian has the background training to know when not to miss conditions which cannot be cured using homeopathy or the other modalities alone. We can refer for other testing and to other experts and hopefully not risk missing things.

May I also say that homeopathy works best used first in most cases. some drugs and other treatments can make finding a cure much more challenging.
All homeopaths are frustrated by TEETH cases (Tried Everything Else Try Homeopathy) please give us a chance early on.


Nosodes are medicines derived from diseases or disease material (e.g. discharges, tissues, secretions, excretions) and made by the homeopathic method of succussion and dilution.
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© G Ralph Hines
Dr Graham R Hines MRCVS
Dee View Road, Connah's Quay
Flintshire, CH5 4AY

Tel:+44 (0) 7903268439
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