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Natural Pet Care

The Official BAHVS position is set out below as of early 2020

(British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons)

Nosodes are medicines derived from diseases or disease material (e.g. discharges, tissues, secretions, excretions) and made by the homeopathic method of succussion and dilution. They are widely used in the complementary treatment of infectious diseases, yet many do have other established complementary therapeutic properties in their own right. Their use in the treatment of infectious disease is not usually applicable to home first-aid application nor can the BAHVS recommend usage by any other than a veterinary surgeon trained in their use.

They have also been used as an aid to prevention of infectious diseases, although there is, as yet, no absolute proof of efficacy in this application. There are nosodes for most infectious diseases of animals, including many for which no conventional vaccination is available.

The BAHVS does not give advice on the use of nosodes for disease prevention, except to state that their use should be restricted to prescription by a veterinary surgeon trained in their application. Individual BAHVS members will each offer clients advice based upon their own experience and understanding.
The advice over approved vaccinations notwithstanding, the BAHVS cannot support leaving animals with no form of prophylactic cover against the major, potentially lethal infectious diseases.

See our website
Can they be used to protect against Disease e.g. Kennel Cough or Parvovirus?

Here are a number of opinions:
As with all homeopathy there are extremes of opinion for reasons I do not fully understand

You can find many others on line

For Nosode use
Dogs Naturally Magazine - Equine Wellness Magazine -

Balanced Argument
Hemopet (Dr Jean Dodds opinion)
Respectful Insolence

My Recommendations
Also read the Vaccination Page for more information
So now you want me to get of the fence and say what I think:

I do not believe vaccines are as unsafe as some but accept there can be side affects of vaccination in some individuals

I am not convinced nosodes offer complete protection from a serious core disease such as parvovirus but I have seen kennel cough nosode protect my dogs, while not preventing them from getting a cough they got a much milder form BUT still caught it and then passed it on to another dog. Of course conventional vaccine do not stop an individual picking up a virus and as we have seen with coronavirus, even spreading the virus, Is stops that individual becoming seriously affected by the infection and more rapid elimination from the body leading to shorter illness and less chance of spreading to others.

I would use nosodes where the illness is unlikely to be fatal or were there is no safe affective vaccine available or the person or animal was very young or old or otherwise immune-compromised.

If your pet has been vaccinated for the core virus diseases such as Parvo, Rabies, Distemper or Adenovirus in the case of dogs, Panleucopenia, Rhinotrachetitis, Calicivirus or Leukaemia in cats, then in most cases there is no point in giving the nosodes it will be immune.

Use a Titre test to check preferably at a few months old. e.g. Vaccicheck

So I recommend FIV for at risk cats, Kennel cough before shows, kennels etc for dogs and leptospirosis in dogs and regular vaccines as detailed on that page.

© G Ralph Hines
Dr Graham R Hines MRCVS
Dee View Road, Connah's Quay
Flintshire, CH5 4AY

Tel:+44 (0) 7903268439
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