Nosodes for Pets


Parvovirus, Distemper, Adenovirus, Leptospirosis and Kennel Cough for dogs

Flu, leukaemia, +FIV and panleucopenia for cats

Myxomatosis and Haemorrhagic disease for rabbits


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Homeopathic Nosodes for Pets

Product Details
We supply homeopathic nosodes in a variety of flavours designed for animals to help protect them from or treat disease.
Read more about what nosodes are and how to use on the advice section of the website.
You will get approximately 70 soft sugar pills with full instructions for use or 10ml of drops if you prefer.
Free Shipping for tablets, drops cost more as they are too wide for “large letter” postPrice £7.95 for tablets £10.45 for drops
Price includes Postage to UK
Choose from

  • Canine Full Combination – Distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitis(Adenovirus), Leptospirosis
  • Canine Small Combination – Leptospirosis and Kennel Cough
  • Kennel Cough Nosode – Kennel Cough alone
  • Feline Full Combination – Panleucopenia, ‘Flu (feline rhinotrachetitis and Calcivirus), FIV and Leukaemia
  • Feline Small Combination – FIV and Leukaemia
  • Rabbit Combination – Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD)

Select Variety
Drops are 25% alcohol based and as they are larger they cost more to post.
I find tablets easier: just dissolve in a few drops of water if drops are required or crush and throw into the mouth of your pet
Price postage included as well

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Variety Requirerd

Canine Full Combination, Canine Small Combination, Leptospirosis nosodes, Kennel Cough, Feline Full Combination, Feline Small Combo, Rabbit Combo

Tablets or Drops?

Soft tablets, Alcohol Drops

How Much How Often?

There are no proven hard and fast rules for using Nosodes however this would be my
Combination Nosodes (for Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus: Canine Combination;
Leukaemia, FIV, Panleucopenia and Cat flu: Feline Combo and Myxomatosis/HVD Rabbit Combo
Give young animals one tablet weekly until either vaccinated using a conventional vaccine or for 2 months and then once a fortnight.

As a treatment for cat ‘flu or Kennel cough give one dose daily for 7-10 days then weekly
Kennel Cough Nosodes or Cat Flu
Give one tablet daily for 3 days before kennelling or risky situations such as dog/cat shows then once
a fortnight
Rabbits Dissolve 1-2 tablets in a little water and give a sip of this by mouth. Failing this just add a tablet to drinking water.

General Advice on using Homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies are absorbed in the mouth not in the stomach and do not need to be
swallowed. You would be advised to leave to dissolve under the tongue so for pets:
Do not bury in food
Use drops or soft tablets into the side of the mouth or crush into powder and throw into the mouth.
You can dissolve in water and give the solution by mouth
Give on a clean mouth not just after or before food tooth brushing etc.
Liquid remedies
Shake well
Dilute in a little water and give into the mouth into the cheek pouch


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